How to protect your clothes in the humidity

A typical New England summer usually involves a fair amount of humidity. Here are some tips on how to protect your clothes from mold, mildew and fungus: 1. Do not shake out anything that has mildew or mold on it inside

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Cleaning and caring for your American Flag

The American Flag is a great way for homeowners and businesses to show their appreciation for our country. Here in New England, we see hundreds of flags flying in our neighborhoods, and we can’t help but feel a sense of

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Traveling? Let Best recommend a dry cleaner.

We love our customers, but we also understand you can’t be with us all the time. If you are going to be “on the road” or moving, we may be able to help. We belong to an association of drycleaners

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Employee Spotlight – William J. McCann Jr.

From time to time we will be introducing you to some of our Best employees.  To kick it off, we thought why not go back to the beginning and introduce our founder. William McCann Jr. (pictured above with his wife

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Successful Winter Storage Tips

Though temperatures have been a bit inconsistent, we think it’s safe to say winter is over. Here are a few tips on proper storage that will leave your winter clothes looking like new. 1. Make sure your clothes are dry

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Post Picnic Stain Removal Tips

Though it’s not officially summer, Memorial Day weekend is usually the unofficial kick off. Many of us celebrate with family gatherings, picnics and BBQ’s. As the weekend comes to an end and the festivities are over, we take a look

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    Keep Connecticut Warm: Donate Coats November 7-23

    Unpredictable weather shifts and increased economic insecurity seem to be factors in an earlier than usual demand for cold weather outerwear by area shelters and community centers. In response, Best Cleaners is kicking off its 11th annual Coats For Connecticut

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